Need a reply from SAMSUNG .. Update for Zflip 3 shouldve been out by end of 2023. Why have we still not got a update on one ui6 and android 14??? Been patient enough. Whats the hold up???
So if A54 got one ui6 already. In south africa. When is it zflip 3 turn for the update? I check everyday . Cmon. Its irritating when i check n dont get it.
How is it all others get updates? Just send em out to all countries at once. Its like a tease constantly seeing on the free news when swiping right on the main screen. Constantly seeing others have the update. When is south afticas turn for z flip3? ...
Isnt it the users choice to use the app "goodlock" even if it doesnt have the security you say. But why choose for US in south africa. We should be allowed to make our own choice to use goodlock if we want to ?