When i bought my mobile in addition to the orginal buds. Since one month, i found the quality of hearing during call is not good and usually disconnect them to complete my call. This issue increased specially when my Samsung watch is connected in the...
While writing with s-pen some area on screen needs to hard press on s pen to write.. i did the diagnostic test and everything is ok... can you advise me is it from screen protector ( gelattus ) or anything else!!
هو الغريب ان طلبت كود تفعيل الخدمة - اورانج - و ردوا عليا ان التليفون لا يصلح للخدمة( s23 ultra)علي الرغم ان نفس الجهاز عليه we شريحة تانية منو متفعله و شغالة زي الفل