Today received March Secuirty Patch update and after installing when I checked in detailed document it shows 2021-02-01 update and released on 2021-02-18. But at settings it's shows 2021-03-01.That's why wondering if it's same or new update. Anyhow I...
Hi While doing normal work like browsing, emails, chat etc battery drain 1% in 3 mins and so on. All possible settings done and while no use it seems to be improved but while working i feel the drain frequency is high.Can anyone advice or suggest any...
Samsung doesn't care about after sale of handsets.... this issue is occurring since long now but till there is no solution from samsung.. every month just release the patch without any solution and let the customers suffer..
After April update battery is draining even faster than earlier.. dear Samsung team pls don't do r&d on customers handsets u have labs for that pls...
This is the problem faced by everyone now a days almost all samsung users regardless of the model but still samsung is sleeping and not doing anything. Atleast they can acknowledge and reply back that they are working to resolve the issue.
If we have to do restrictions to overcome these issues than what is the use of spending such huge amount on samsung. We can get many cheaper option than samsung. If we are spending on samsung brand means there should be some dignity of the brand and ...