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What will happen if we turn on the "protect battery" option after battery reached 100% (still charging) ?Result 1: Will it discharge to 85% and maintains 85% while charging? Result 2: Will it maintains 100% while charging? 
Please add a trigger for proximity sensor like close & far, also give option to turn on speaker while in, condition will be 1: if the user is on call and proximity is close, then speaker should be off2. If the user is on call and proximity i...
Give Additional space for adding more custom symbols in Samsung keyboard. Currently, 9 symbols can be addedSamsung keyboard- customs symbols
Does all the below updates happen automatically or do we have to manually update it? (Also let me know for Case 1: only if mobile data is on & Case 2: only if wifi is on) 1. Settings - Software update - Download and install2. Settings - Biometrics an...
Kindly group all below options in a single place for easy access & avoid duplication: 1. Settings - Software update - Download and install2. Settings - Biometrics and security - more Biometrics settings - Biometrics security patch3. Settings - Biomet...