Guys, Here's the link to install the all new S8 stock touchwiz home apk for S7/S7 edge and all those samsung devices running nougat 7.0 . Just install as normal apk. Enjoy!!
Guys, I got the Galaxy S8 "hello Bixby" and DreamUX launcher on my S7 edge. It's super awesome.DreamUX launcher::::
Guys, I just done a simple change in settings and I activated the all new Google Assistant on my S7 edge UAE variant. It is so simple to do. Believe me it works. Please follow my steps.1. Open Device settings>>General Management>> Language and Input>...
We need to install the S8 camera also. But unfortunately the S8 camera app is not fully functional in S7. So many bugs and force stops. So Bixby vision also didn't works!
But I already installed another ver sion of pay framework. It's unable to uninstall the installed updates as it is knox secured. While installing this apk u gave it showing package error due to that previously installed version. Is there any way to r... this apk. This version will work