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I am trying to post images in the Galaxy Gallery forum thread via the 10 on 10 moments contest link, but after submitting, my posts just disappear. I have tried twice but my posts do not appear in the Galaxy Gallery thread. Please help. 
When you order one and as a surprise you get another free. #Get10WithSamsung #ThePerfect10Challenge #ThePowerof10Tasty Treat #Get10WithSamsung #ThePerfect10Challenge #ThePowerof10 
Even during the tough times of covid, my buddy always there with me has been my 10 on 10 moment with my #Samsung Galaxy Note 9 to capture the perfect moment. #Get10WithSamsung #ThePerfect10Challenge #ThePowerof10 #Get10WithSamsung #ThePerfect10Challe...
I have a feature request for the Samsung Camera App on Galaxy smartphones and tablets. Mods kindly move my post to the relevant section if required.I am happy with the Samsung Camera App's "Tap to Scan" feature, but it would be more helpful if the ca...