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Stop posting irrelevant pictures or quotes etc. This is not facebook. Members app was meant to be for psoting tips and tricks, bringing bugs to light and getting solutions for them, talking about software updates not about posting cheap poetry and st...
Extreme framerate option and HDR is back in Galaxy A50朗
So I just downloaded fortnite on my Samsung Galaxy A50 which has all the requirements for running the game but isn't officially supported.The game itself says that it isn't officially supported but can run the game with reduced performace and even gi...
Is it only me who can't notice a difference between a 25MP and a 12MP Picture taken through Samsung Galaxy A50?
Assalam o Alaikum! Whenever I speak to my Bixby Assistant,it doesn't respond to me but when I connect my Earphones then it works completely fine.I have tried several methods like clearing cache or registering voice data again and again but it doesn't...