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So here is the factNo more pie update for devices As pie update schedule marked as COMPLETED 
I am uploading a mix of two object image Now lets check how people say about itWhich one is good and detailed image LEFT ONE OR RIGHT ONE Clue one of the image shot by 24mm probeImage : 
MADDIE STONE : GOOGLE ZERO PROJECT security researcher confirms a serious bug and vulnerability in Android 10 She confirms in her tweet handle also So as expected Android started showing bugs on it .. Effects Samsung , google pixel , Xiaomi etc As co...
I have tested with ymusic (website : )and youtube togetherBut i have seen using the same wifi Youtube at 720p and ymusic 720p Youtube app do buffer whereas ymusic plays the video so smoothEven works so smoot im 1080p with ymusic 
If you like the option should be available in your device quick settings panel for screen recording or screen shots etc than use this appUsing this app gamers will be benifited cause if you do add your games in this app game section than it will laun...