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Any idea when or if they're planning to move the mirmcrophone button location from the bottom right or space bar back tomorrow the tool bar up top? Beyond annoying?
I recently bought 4 new tags 2, as a test I put one in the car and it stopped updating 2 hours ago even while it's near my wife's Samsung Galaxy phone, she drove 50 km away. It's a bit pointless to not update when I need to know where my car is? Is t...
Updated my S23U today and now unable to post any Instagram stories...anyone find the same?
Hi is it possible to reduce the bitmoji sticker size using a Samsung keyboard (for whats app)? Gboard stickers are nice and compact.
Since receiving my S23U, I'm unable to merge videos on the gallery and make movie? I believe what's happening is the videos are being stored on some cloud and not allowing any ability to use the movie function. Any advice pls?