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Guys, after being an A series user for years, am proud to say next month am upgrading to S-series for the first time, i need some advice though am still deciding to get whether S23 Ultra or S24 Ultra, coz there's not much difference between the two...
Does anyone know when galaxy ring will be released? I just saw this today on my phone. Does it mean it's close?
One UI 6.1 for galaxy A54 is here拾拾
Very impressed, I just updated my A54 to one ui 6 am very impressed with the changes it's so smooth and very responsive, and it no longer drains battery  last charged it 8hrs ago and am just on 94%. If it was one ui 5 I'd be on around 70% by now
Hie guys anyone experienced this issue? Should we be worried or you think Google/Samsung has a security error?