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Samsung security issue by govt.

(Topic created on: 12-20-2023 01:09 AM)
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
What's your thoughts about Samsung security, the top agency of our Bharat has recognised security alert for Samsung users which are at high risk
Share your thoughts?
Now such respected company also not safe?
What a common man to do as nowadays all our bank details are sync with mobile!!
The person who do not update regular what's his fault??
Ask by sumeet sharma(////)
1 Comment
Galaxy S
Just avoid such news and don't mind. Think practically. Cyber attacks and hackers are not air that they can enter anywhere. They need a way, a base to attack you. Just don't install suspected apps and click on such links. Then you and your device is safe. If you don't keep precautions, no brand can assure you safety. Remember your safety is in your hands