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Samsung Messed Up

(Topic created on: 03-29-2020 11:36 AM)
Active Level 8
Galaxy M
Why is it that loads of issues have cropped up after Android 10 update on Galaxy M30s?

From auto-brightness issues, reduced battery performance to a crippled camera app, all these make no sense at all. The update was already delayed and they still messed up. Hey Samsung, if it ain't broke, don't break it. 

I mean honestly, I expected a lot of more from the biggest smartphone OEM in the world. 

This is what happens when you release more than 400 phones a year. You guys only lose track of what you've released. I'll run out of fingers to count the number of phones you released with the overused and overrated Exynos 9611. 

Active Level 7
Galaxy M

This should never be the primary solution. Neither wiping the cache partition. It's surprising how every single OS has started having issues.

Active Level 9
Galaxy M
Pro Tip: when you see a new Samsung update notification on your phone just wait for a while before you jump into it. Stay for the user to review in the forum. Otherwise, it will backfire on your face.
Active Level 6
Galaxy M
absolutely.. I always do check reviews before updating only in the case of march security patch I underestimated it thought what harm can it do it's just a security patch.. and now I am regretting
Active Level 8
Galaxy M
You're about 6 days too late with this message.

Edit: Holy **bleep** it's been more than 10 days.
Active Level 9
Galaxy M
Galaxy M
👍👍👍👍😂😂😂😂😂..Update ka khauff
Active Level 8
Galaxy M
I was a part of the update threads. He asked me to factory reset but HELL NOOOO.
Active Level 9
Galaxy M
That's not solutions at all. when you have a lot of data on your phone 📱

But anyhow you have to deal with it. Even if you approach Samsung authorized service center they will suggest the same. Now no ASC open due to COVID19

you have to make a choice now

Active Level 8
Galaxy M
The phone is "usable" right now. The good thing is, battery is big enough to handle Samsung's messed up update. I have no "abnormal" heating. I'll try holding off for a while.