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My m31s  is getting notification sounds from the last 30 or 40 days  while notification sound is off and even not getting any notification. 
Today i got one ui 4.1 and android 12 update in my Galaxy M31s , got a feature of Extra Dim in notification panel . After editing buttons in notification panel i tried to find the feature but it was not and i searched in mobile setting and there was ...
It's my 1st time that i am very disappointed by Samsung's service , My m31s mobile's reciver (ear speaker) was not working properly sometime  it sounds sometime not .  This problem started in mid april but due to lockdown i was not able to go to serv...
My galaxy m31s takes nearly 3hr for 100% charging, today it take 2hr 15 min. For charging 25% to 100% , while fast charging was enable , Is this problem with other people as well ?I optimize my device after several days regulerly.
I have samsung m31s smarphone it has some battery by Google and camera light sensor , how can it be resolve , even i put google in sleeping apps , thereafter it drain 10% of 6000mah battery , camera light sensor also consume 10% battery . They both r...