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One UI 5.0

(Topic created on: 08-14-2022 02:06 PM)
Active Level 7
Tech Talk
Do you guys impress with One UI 5.0 beta 1? 
I don't. 
2 finger swipe from the bottom to enable split screen and a corner swipe to enable multi-window are very useful multitasking features. 

Although I expected a change in the app icons. Also expected huge changes in animations. 

But sadly, no visible changes. 

Even oxygen os merged with colour os and introduced oxygen os 13. Even though it is colour os, its animations are superfluid. Also, more rounded corner looks are good. 

Samsung should be ready for a change in quick settings tiles change.
Also, provide options for more customization from the settings themselves, Not from the good lock. 
Provide options to change app icon size, icon shape etc. Also changing accent colours, quick settings tiles colours etc.

While using a good lock application for these changes, it's not possible to apply the colour palate option. 

What are your suggestions?
Tech Talk
its a beta update, major changes can be seen in upcoming updates for sure. Majorly 13, about colours they have given option to do customzation aswell
Active Level 7
Tech Talk
I don't think so. I think they may add some new features in the upcoming beta.
Not expecting a change for the app icons, quick settings tiles etc.
Active Level 4
Tech Talk
I think new changes would be introduced with one ui 5.1 update down the line...now they are focussing on stability & practicallity.
Lets hope we get something fresh & new later in ui
Active Level 1
Tech Talk
How did you get one ui 5.0 beta in india. I am not able to see the banner in samsung members
Active Level 4
Tech Talk
Think I need to engage more to get access to the Beta builds. 😅