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When is the Galaxy Watch 7 and watch Ultra getting the Sleep Apnea detection feature in Samsung Health Monitor app in India? It shows as FDA approved and is available in US as is the same feature available on Apple Watch 10.When is the equally compet...
Allow more options for fingerprint unlock animations like other brands do. Just adds a nice personal touch everytime you unlock
Please add an option in Gallery Labs or Gallery app to auto increase to full brightness when viewing images in Gallery as that way the images look more crisp and clear rather than auto set brightness for other occasions.
Even though the Now Bar visibility on the lock screen for certain apps like music player, clock, timer etc. are dependent on AOD feature being enabled, availability of the Now Bar on the notification area while the phone is being used will be a great...
The bottom area of the home screen currently only holds fixed icons whereas using a horizontal multi bar scroll functionality like Nova Launcher, Samsung could achieve even more customisation and good use of screen area for more icons.