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02-04-2024 12:07 PM (Last edited 02-04-2024 09:12 PM ) in
This wil be long but bear with me, (Im a high school studnent and use my tablet than my phone and not the biggest IT person but i know the basics)(sorry for the grammer mistakes) I own the tab s9 ultra, and i love all of its features form the display, the graphics, etc...
Imporvements that i think can be done and will be great for the 10th anninevrsy ( I forgot what its called) :
- Display improvements
- Resoloution; This is not a big issue but for tablets especially they are great for entertainment puropses or multi tasking usage, The smallest option the tab s9 dose not need a resoloution improvement but this part is in regards to the plus and ultra model. Though they have increased the pixel due to the size diffrence its strill not enough from either a PPI scale or when havging multple Apps opened at the same time and see some texts or images blurry . The tablets have the same ppi as if the s24 lineup was in the 720p resolution mode.
-Soloution; If the Tab s9 + has the resolotion of 2880 by 1800 it would increase the size of the ppi from 266 to 274 which is the same as the tab s9 and is actually a good amount for a tablet. and for the ultra model to diffrenciate it and make it stound out as the headline '' The first 4k tablet ever to be made''. The resolotion would be 3456 by 2160 which has a nice ring to it 3456. it would have the ppi of 279 from 239,this resloution would really stand out and it will be great for the fans and could make headlines around the world making samsung standout. the ginormous size of the ultra with that sort of resolotion will have an outstanding visuals and immersion qualities.(IDK what i'm saying im just hopefull).
-Color levels; What i mean is Bitrate levels. This is something I dont know alot of but, i know that the current samsung display of the Dynamic Amoled 2X supports only 8 bit and ive seen devices with 10 Bits that the gradient level of colors is really a imporvemnt to adisplay. the current display has a 16 million color output (Idk the right term) and a 10 bit has a billion colors and with samsungs display that includes HDR 10 + it truellly the benefits of the samsung displays and the HDR10 + full potential, anpother reason for a headline and anothe milestone to the current display option( This can also apply to the S 25 lineup).
Variable Refresh Rate; The current tablet lineup does technically have a variable refresh rate, but it only switches from 30, 60 and 120 from what ive tested from the developer options. If the line up had an LTPO display like the s24 lineup not only will it be very battery efficient but it will also match whatever content that are in diffrent refresh rate for example a 24 hz video but using a 30hz refresh rate menainf the pl;ayback of the video is actually just in 30hz instead of 24hz.
Please takein consideration my ideas and please comment if my understanding is wrong and please correct them and if possible give me credit or any notice if sometyhing does come up similar to my ideas