Original topic:

Stop ignoring 22 country

(Topic created on: 01-20-2022 06:06 AM)
Beginner Level 2
Please stop this serious matter 
Can somebody just tell me why this issue has always happening and until when we had to face that kind of deliberate ignorance against our own language the Arabic language because unfortunately it seems like we're facings a serious of deliberate racism against the Arabic language because its become so often that in language options you have a lot of choices from different languages but the Arabic choice is missing the language of almost 423,400,000 people and the official language in 22 countries between Asia and Africa are missing from the language option but you can see a lot of other language that used in only one country or just few people have used that language this is really not a joke this is a serious matter and it's just Called a RACISM and it has to stop.