Original topic:

Do suggestions go here?

(Topic created on: 11-07-2021 10:46 PM)
Beginner Level 3
Hi! Have you guys ever experienced the pure, unbridled frustration that arises when you use a feature all the time and you notice its lacking just one tiny thing? every. single. time. Yeah well I'm here to hopefully do something about it.

Graphic design is my passion (translation: every once in a while I put a few pictures on top of each other and call it a wallpaper). So I make wallpapers that look really cool in portrait mode, which is what I use most of the time so all is great. But on the few occasions that a certain task I'm doing is more conveniently accomplished in landscape mode, my wallpapers get all zoomed in and ugly and it breaks my little heart to see something I worked so hard on warped like that.

But heres the thing: when you're setting a wallpaper, any changes you make to the orientation and/or zoom are synched for both portrait and landscape mode.

Wouldn't it be so much better if we had the option to edit how the wallpaper looks in portrait and landscape separately? Choose whether it rotates or zooms in on one part? Other options?

Samsung team, can you make it happen?
That's a very good suggestion. Usually the lockscreen wallpaper stays in portrait mode even if auto rotate is turned on, just the text and icons change its orientation. I hope this option will be ported to homescreen wallpapers too.
Active Level 3
I hope to apply that
Active Level 10
I like this suggestion hopefully it will be done ✔