Original topic:

Samsung diagnostic tests

(Topic created on: 11-20-2022 12:12 AM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Hello may I know how accurate the samsung diagnostics in samsung members are about my s10 lite battery life? 

It says its good but i feel like my s10 lite's been draining really fast recently.
Everyday i charge atleast twice but the status says its stil good.




Active Level 10
Galaxy S
I have couple of questions for you:

• Did you drop you phone really hard at any point in your phones life? (Dropping you phone can affect the battery walls, leading poor control of the electrons. Hence, poor battery life.)

• Did you replace the battery by a unofficial store? (Using unofficial source battery can be dangerous, due to multitude of factors.)

• How old is your device. (Lithium ions battery have a life of 3 years at most. If the device is older than 3-4 years, I highly recommend replacing the battery from Emax, SharafDG, or Samsung store.)

If I helped, please up-vote the thread. Thank you for reading.
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Hello, firstly thanks for replying to my question.

I actually have dropped it multiple times pretty hard. This is also another reason i started doubting the samsung members diagnostics

I havent replaced it

I got this phone like around 2020 so ig im still good for 1-2 more years.

Active Level 10
Galaxy S
I see. If you plan to use your S10Lite further and want to improve the battery I recommend limiting your battery to 85% (Seems like you did that, good job. 👍) another is adaptive battery which you can do so by going to settings>Device care>Battery>Additional battery settings> Adaptive battery. This would help to save battery.

And finally I recommend using battery saver mode. Limit the processor speed at 70%.

Thank you for reading and up-voting. I really appreciate it.
Galaxy S
See it depends if you keep downloading new apps and they are always running in thr background. Make sure to put some of the apps to sleep mode so save battery
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Thanks for replying to my question

Actually ive been playing around with the background limiting just recently in battery and device care. My battery has improved a little bit. Thanks