Original topic:

S23 ultra gone slow process after software update.

(Topic created on: 10-05-2024 03:58 AM)
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
I was very satisfied with my s23 ultra..
But I recieved software update from samsung on 16 of September 2024 at 5.01pm..from that day my finger print sensor is not working properly and my mobile activity gone slow ,
Whenever I open any software like YouTube,olx etc they are opening very slow..even my wifi speed is 200mbps..
Or my Airtel 5G connection..
It's very sad ...
Now preparing to suite a file in Bombay High court to investigate this against samsung India..
If any one facing same problem kindly reply or mail me.
Beginner Level 4
Galaxy S
I too am facing the same issue from the last update
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Don't worry bro going to file a case against samsung India..very soon.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
Yes, Samsung pushed an update and spoiled the performance of S23 ultra. And developers couldn't find solutions for the bugs, and that's why they still didn't release the September patch. I don't think they will fix all the bugs that developers purposely introduced in August update. There may be a chance that S23 ultra can also get lines..
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Not to worry samsung will pay us if lines came on display...we need to unite and raise the voice against it I will never stop whenever this update will roll back or heavy penalty by court.
Active Level 2
Galaxy S
Imagine you are buying flagship which last for 1 or 2 year

It's pity who are buying budget it slows down within 3-6 months
Galaxy S
This is Samsung's old habit. Slowing down the device performance to giving updates on old phones and focused on only the latest phone
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Dear Samsung Member,

Greetings from Samsung Customer Support!

As per your concern, we would request you to please share your contact details on the Samsung Members Application (Open Samsung Members Application > Support> Tap on send feedback> Choose Compser> Select Ask question> select the appriopriate issue catageiry> Type your query and send.)

Warm Regards,
Samsung Customer Support

Active Level 3
Galaxy S
I already shared my contact details and on application and issue of slow down of my new Samsung galaxy s23 ultra is as it is..kindly resolve it with new update otherwise my leagal team is working on it
..if found any issues from you definitely we will be met in court.