Original topic:

S20 plus horizontal white/green flickering lines on display

(Topic created on: 09-20-2022 09:30 PM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S

After August update I'm getting white horizontal lines on my display. Also I have noticed large green flickering lines on my display while phone was charging. Any help would be appreciated. Went to service center they told display will be replaced only for the vertical green lines. 



update : after September update my phone died completely. Getting white screen. I have recorded video as well while updating the phone. Service center guys raised qna to samsung team they said this issue will not get free screen replacement.


video while updating.
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Only gree line is covered as per samsung this issue is not. They will charge 15k for screen. I am facing the same issue but in may case the back pannel pasting glue was leaking then after white screen appears along with horizontal line in display more visible in white screen. After pasting the back pannel the issue resolved in my case... but don't know how much longer it will last.
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
  • Update:   After September update my phone died . Getting white screen with faint green lines


Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Check whether glue is leaking from the phone?.... you have only 3 options
1. Request and explain your case to service center to replace your screen free of cost and report this matter to support. India@samsung.com if no dent they might consider or,
2. File a comsumer complaint @ comsumerhelpline.gov.in or
3. Pay 15.5k and replace the screen.
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
This is a global issue.
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
I spoke to samsung customer care today, if your phone has no physical damage or water damage, they will replace screen and battery for free
Galaxy S
Guys please watch this & be aware of this issue before you buy new flagship smartphones of Samsung

Current Position of Samsung S series & especially the S20 plus phones.

Active Level 3
Galaxy S

same problem 

Active Level 7
Galaxy S
I am a pure sumsung coustemer from 2000 when gsm phone with entina till 2024 i am still using sumsung in the year but now after using sumsung from 20 years i am never dissappoint from sumsung but now i am very dissapoint to say that i own and trustable company has fraud me .my sumsung s22 has a got a green line after software upate i am very sad to say that samsung has disappoit me after using sumsung from 20+ years this is sad moment for my life i request you to replce or repair my device because i could not accept this kind of things with pure sumsung couatmer and it is not only me but many other coustemrs have this problem and i am very sad to say that if this kind of behavior contines we people from samsung family needs to leave the samsung family and use other phones we are not at all happy to leave this company at all and this is not are fault at all its your company fault and only you are 100% responsible for it if the software is not ready to use company should not upade the mobile company should cheak the upade with responsiblity in upate 16.1 One UI Version problem i was using m200 galaxy Y galaxu y duos R200 galaxy grand ,grand2,j7,j6,,s3,s3 mini ,A50,A53,A52 wifi 6 S7 Mini , S5 , Galaxy F ,Samsung Guru keypad mobile and many more but after many years i do not rember some of them but i am never dissapoint with any of them but this s 22 ultra has got a green line after upade . But i am very sad to say the samsung is nowdays is not giving value to coustmers but giving importance to money and thinks to make company more profjtable we the people of india takes coustemers as god and happiness is only we need and try to stasify it thats all we dont give the pripority to money on coustmers we are not willing to defame the company but my friends were telling not to buy samsung and my trust on this comoany has been removed

I am very premium coustmers of samsung for more than 20 years but i am giving this in writing .i with my s22 ultra upated software after mobile setup till 100 % when optimisng finished when switch on the phone green line came after line i shut down the phone 2-3 times and it was biggest fault that i upaded my phone
Dont parchese samsung S seris phone
S22 ultra s23 ultra s24 ultra all model probleams
Dont update ONE UI Version 6.1