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Battery optimisation for S21 plus

(Topic created on: 06-09-2021 06:55 PM)
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Can someone help me here to optimize my S21 plus battery performance. Currently it is giving me an SOT of just 4.30 hrs 
1 Comment
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
Are you gaming or something? When i use to play genshin impact for 2-3 hours, i use to get the same battery life. Although, you can turn off some features like enhance processing change the mobile network setting to 4g instead of 5g/4g/3g. This will prevent the phone from hunting for 5g which don't even exist yet in India(Thanks Juhi Chawla :p). Go to battery in device maintenance and put the apps the sleep that you don't use often.

If I use my phone only for content consumption only like amazon prime, youtube etc I get around 7.5hours of SOT. Otherwise, it's around 5.30-6hrs including using on mobile data and not wifi. Using wifi gives a little better life imo.