Original topic:

Ai with Samsung

(Topic created on: 07-15-2024 05:05 PM)
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
My experience of artificial intelligence on Samsung is good, but why is not the champion of programs allowed to be free to use it, but I think that Samsung is making commitments with science, this is very bad, so please think carefully about the restrictions that are added to good features in the upcoming updates. 

ان تجربتي للذكاء الاصطناعي على سامسونج جيده ولاكن لماذا لا يتم السماح بطل البرامج لكي اكون حرا في استخدامه لاكن اضن ان سامسونج تقوم بوضع التقيدات مع العلم هذي سئ جدا فارجوا التفكير جيدا بالتقيدات التي يتم اضافاتها على مميزات جيده في التحديثات القادمة.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
Hopefully, Samsung will consider user feedback like yours in future
Community Manager
Galaxy S

We apperciate your feedback, but first, please describe in detail the issue and the change you would like to see implemented.
If applicable, explain the reasons for your suggestion or change request and how you believe the app could be improved.
The best way to directly communicate your suggestions or change requests to Samsung is by using the Samsung Members app. You can submit your feedback and requests through the "Feedback" section within the app.
If you need further information, please do not hesitate to ask us. Our customer service representatives are eager to assist you.

Active Level 4
Galaxy S
Here's the matter, for example, the uses of translation are restricted to WhatsApp, the text message program, Messenger and Instagram. Have you forgotten whatsapp Businesses ? Have you forgotten the rest of the existing programs?

- I think it's free to use, for example, any software that's used - intelligence can translate that.

- The other point is to combine other languages such as Turkish and others, now if it is considered artificial intelligence and cannot use all languages, where is the word intelligence on the subject?

Finally, I fully appreciate Samsung and its employees and know very well that they are making a great effort to improve services and Samsung is always number one.