Original topic:

Controlling Media With S-Pen ⏮⏯⏭

(Topic created on: 03-04-2021 12:25 PM)
Galaxy Note
Dear Members,

As we know the S-Pen is the magic wand 🪄 of Galaxy Note series, we can use it to write notes, draw, sign contract, taking pictures and more.

But one of my favourite features is to use is as a remote control for media apps such as Spotify, YouTube and many other apps.

You only need to activate S-Pen Air Actions in your device quite menu or go to Settings > Advanced Features > S-Pen > Air Actions.


Then by using a simple gestures you can control you media app:
- Single press for play and pause.
- Double press for playing next track.
- Press and move up to increase the volume.
- Press and move down to decrease the volume.
- Press and move right for next track.
- Press and move left for previous track.


Let me know in the comments below if you like using this feature like I do, and what are your favourite S-Pen gestures.
Community Manager
Galaxy Note

Thanks Ambassador for sharing this! These are such helpful tips for why S-Pen is a game (and life) changer.


Nothing beats the power of the S-Pen to do what you can't with Galaxy!

Active Level 4
Galaxy Note
One of the best S-Pen feature for me is the smart select. It gives you the option to Extract text even on photos. Very useful!! Looking forward to having an upgraded version of note. Hopefully soon. #Note8 user here 😊
Galaxy Note
I totally agree with you 👍🏼💯
Community Manager
Galaxy Note

That's a great tip too! Thanks for sharing!