Original topic:

Mother board damaged after update

(Topic created on: 04-20-2024 07:47 PM)
Active Level 2
Galaxy M

I have been used Redmi mobiles for the past 4 years, but due to some personal interests, and the anti-Chinese wind, I decided not to use Chinese products anymore and changed to Samsung. I purchased an M21 last year and I was satisfied with the product. Its warranty period just expired and 2 days before(15 Sep 2021) I have done an update. After the update, it reboots and froze on the boot screen. When consulting the service center they told its hardware damage. Hardware damage after 13 months.What a genuine product delivered by Samsung. I have all my company documents on that mobile and all lost . I am an embedded engineer and feel sorry for what type of hardware you delivered for 14k. I will send the product to your headquarters and please study the issues of the hardware, and please update the quality, and I don't want the product back. Take it as a gift, and I am not ready to repair the product by spending 6k rupees even after 1 year.
Now I am realizing the fact that I can trust china products better than yours and I would never come back to Samsung. When I visited the service center 2 other similar cases appeared. So I think this is your strategy.

So I wish you all the best dear Samsung, thank you for making me realize why they say all glittering are not gold

S Sagar
Beginner Level 3
Galaxy M

My situation is as like your situation sir. But the model is different A31. Samsung cheated a middle class family, most hurted.

Ankita Kar
Active Level 1
Galaxy M

Facing the same issue. I am reading your post sitting in a samsung service center 😂 and it really makes me wonder why we should not choose Remdi and go for this useless Samsung phone whose software update destroys the hardware. And knowing that its because of faulty software still the consumer bears the price of it and not the company itself. I feel samsung should repair such issues without any cost.

Active Level 1
Galaxy M
Hi I own Samsung S10 light and I have been using it for approximately 1.5 years. Last month the October update came through and after I updated the phone its motherboard got damaged. I have no idea how to proceed ahead I mean it's not technically the phone's fault or my fault. The phone was working perfectly till then. I don't know what to do, so if you guys have any suggestions anything would be helpful. thank you.
Active Level 1
Galaxy M
I was using samsung m53 5g and after attending a call the screen remained in on position and didn't respond at all, then I tried to force restart it and it turned off and never turned on again ,
Now when I visited the service center the told me that it's mother board is damaged and it will cost ₹15,000.