Original topic:

cloud service

(Topic created on: 11-11-2017 01:31 PM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy J
I'm trying to figure out if Samsung Cloud works the same as other storage apps like Google Drive and Dropbox. How do I view what is currently saved on my Samsung Cloud, as one can do with Google Drive and Dropbox? I do have my pics syned with Samsung Cloud so can I assume that everything on my Gallery is on the Cloud?


Can the Samsung Cloud be accessed from a computer via the Internet as the other storage apps allow?


Since my pics/Gallery are synced with the Cloud, does that mean if I delete pics from my Gallery, I automoatically erase from the Cloud? And vice-versa?


Thanks for any feedback.


I'm planning to move all my stored pics/videos from Dropbox to the Samsung Cloud, so want to make sure that the Cloud works similarly to Dropbox.
1 Comment
Expert Level 5
Galaxy J
Thanks for being with Samsung and sharing your concern. We would like to inform you that please follow the link below to get more information related to the Samsung cloud account :