Original topic:

A52s Connection issue ( Jio sim )

(Topic created on: 10-04-2024 08:21 PM)
Active Level 6
Galaxy A
I m getting low signal , my internet connection is slow.
I already contacted jio customer support & they said from their side is ok, its device problem.
I had this issue after updating to latest patch .

Expert Level 5
Galaxy A
Kindly complaint to Samsung customer support through Samsung Members App as error report also send log files Along with this error report for this issue and wait for next update may be fix it by Samsung team soon. If you like please accept as a solution it's help to others users also, click on 3dots in my reply section and click on accept solution. Thanks.
Active Level 6
Galaxy A
Can't find error report send option in members app.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy A
Please go to main page of Samsung Members App, click on support, click feedback, click error report then follow instructions on screen, log files automatically send by system immediately after send error report but don't close Samsung Members App during this process untill complete. If you like please accept as a solution it's help to others users also, click on 3dots in my reply section and click on accept solution. Thanks.
Galaxy A

Dear Samsung member,

Greetings from Samsung customer support.

As per your query, kindly follow the easy troubleshooting steps which might help to solve the issue.

Check your mobile data>Enable Mobile data:
Navigate to apps screen and tap on Settings>>Tap on Connections>>Tap on SIM card manager>>Tap on Mobile data>>Select the preferred SIM card from the drop-down.
Note: Preferred SIM should be inserted in SIM slot 1

Please follow the steps to enable data roaming (while in roaming)
Navigate to apps screen and tap on Settings>>Tap on Connections>>Tap on Mobile Networks>>Enable Data roaming.

Check mobile data limit
Every Android phone lets you set your own mobile data limits and warnings for when you’re about to reach your limit. These aren’t usually switched on by default, but maybe you set a limit previously, since the customer has upgraded his/her tariff, and have forgotten to update your mobile data limit accordingly.

To check this:
1. Go to “Settings > Connections > Data Usage > Mobile data usage” (depending on your device)
2. You’ll see a graph showing your data usage along with a whole bunch of settings. Make sure your data limits in the graph correspond with what your network allows by dragging the limit up or down in the graph.
3. Alternatively, you can turn off all data limits by uncheck the “Limit mobile data usage” box.

How to disable Mobile data limit
Navigate to apps screen and tap on Settings>>Tap on Connections>>Tap on Data usage>>Tap on Mobile data usage>>Tap on Settings>>Disable set data limit>> Data limit disabled

Reset and set new APN
Access Point Names (APNs) are the means by which your mobile network provider connects your phone to the mobile Internet. It sets up your phone with all the crucial settings like IP addresses and gateways to (hopefully) get you connected. However, this process sometimes can go wrong and require a reset.
Note: APN settings are set by network operators and not by Samsung. You need to contact your network operator and get the correct settings for your account.

How to Reset APN
Navigate to apps screen and tap on Settings>>Tap on Connections>>Tap on Mobile networks>>Tap on Access Point Name>>Tap on menu (three dots) then tap on Reset to defaults>>Tap on Reset.

How to set new APN
Navigate to apps screen and tap on Settings>>Tap on Connections>> Tap on Mobile networks>>Tap on Access Point Name>> Tap on ADD>>Tap on Name>> Enter the Name>>Tap on OK>> Tap on APN>> Enter the APN>> Tap on OK>>Tap on Menu>> Tap on Save.

Reset network settings
Go to Settings>>Tap on General management>>Tap on Reset>> Tap on Reset network settings>>Tap on Reset settings>>Unlock your screen (If you have previously set)>>Tap on Reset

Delete VPN Profile
Please follow the below given steps to delete VPN profile.
Path: Settings > Connections > VPN > Delete VPN Profile if available.
(Customer will see key icon in notification panel if VPN is activated).

Update device software (If Software update available): https://www.samsung.com/in/support/mobile-devices/samsung-galaxy-smartphone-how-to-update-software/

Reset the device: https://www.samsung.com/in/support/mobile-devices/samsung-galaxy-mobile-how-to-perform-a-factory-res...

In case the issue still occurs. Please visit the service center for a physical inspection of your device. You can locate your nearest service center with this given link: https://www.samsung.com/in/support/service-center/

Warm Regards,
Samsung Customer Support