١. لا يحتفظ بأكثر من ٥٠٠ تسجيل "سجل المكالمات".٢. عند فتح المعرض لا يفتح معرض الكاميرا فقط، يعرض ملفات مختاره تقوم باختيارها من ملفات الصور.مازلت اكتشف لكن هاتان الخاصيتين تهمانني بشكل قوي
I got Anker charger 45w and it was charging greenish, I tried the charger in one shop and it was showing blueish color also a friend of mine has 25w samsung charger and it showed blueishStill going to try to find a good charger, for now am using xaio...
What charger are you using?, are you sure it's output is 45WI bought Anker charger and when it was charging my phone it showed green circle and when I went to a shop and asked to try their charger it showed blueish color