On uper left corner there is very minute redish brown pin dot like spot, slight elongated... Fone never fell, never experience jerks. No physical shock. What is this.? Do some one guide me.?
Mobile data > Details > Turn off > Confirm mobile data connection.But still i get msg type notification"Unless you use Wi-Fi, you will no longer be able to use internet, email or other apps that require a data connection."How can i stop this?
I hv Note20. Korean Version Sm-N986N.In message App settings when I open chatting + tips, all contents open in korean language.How do this section be changed to english?All other fone language is US english.Kindly help
Mam would u please let me know in detail?Should I turn off 'Allow background data usage' in App info?For all app?What this help us?What u mean by seamless Apps?And which types of Apps should b put in deep sleep?