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I observed that Samsung is opting for a severe WiFi throttling. On my 150 Mbps speed broadband, i get just 10 Mbps speed on  5 GHz. Turning wifi off and on, the issue is resolved and i begin gettig proper speed. After that, the issue resumes again. F...
We were eager to get the carrier aggregation feature. It isn't still added.
Anyone received the Samsung Pay Mini on their Galaxy M31? I seem to have not received it. Is there any way I can get access to it? The official info says the app is Availabke on M31.
Brief pop up settings do not work on all apps even when set for all apps. It works with a few.specific apps such as Hangouts, whatsapp, messaging and such. Anything specific needs to be done to get it working? 
Smart View or screen casting to smart tv or other devices does not work. The phone cannot detect the other devices even when they are on the same network. I have posted a beta feedback. You may check at your end and submit the error report.