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Samsung KNOX : Know It All From Scratch !

(Topic created on: 11-24-2019 08:51 PM)
Active Level 7
Tech Talk


Hi Everyone ! 
You all might have heard of a feature Samsung KNOX , right ? 

So today i am going to explain in detail about this feature that is available on our devices . 

What is Samsung KNOX ? 

Samsung Knox is a security layer found on numerous Samsung devices that isolates personal and business data. This added layer essentially gives the user a personal device and a business device--all on the same hardware.

Only by entering a user-created password can the business layer be accessed. The Knox password is separate from the standard lock screen password, so it can also be considered an added layer of security.

In addition, when using the business layer, only certain applications can be accessed. By default, the apps that can be accessed are Camera, Gallery, Downloads, Email, S Planner, My Files, Phone, Contacts, and Internet (the Samsung-branded web browser).

Samsung Knox is comprised of three components:

In order for Samsung Knox to function, the first two of these components must be in place. For businesses, the addition of the service will be critical in managing Knox-enabled devices. The service is not a requirement, but it does extend IT's management capabilities of a Knox-enabled device. 

Aother very important aspect of Samsung Knox is that it integrates with Android for Work. Samsung Knox increases the security of Android for Work Profiles by way of such modifications as:

  • Real-time Kernel Protection (RKP)
  • DM-Verity malware checks
  • Trusted Boot

Why Does Samsung KNOX matter ? 


In October 2014, the US National Security Agency (NSA) approved Samsung Galaxy devices running Knox under a program for quickly deploying commercially available technologies. This broke with the NSA's long-standing BlackBerry-only approach and effectively declared Knox-supported Samsung devices fit for government work. That was a big win for Samsung and should go a very long way to describe why Knox matters: Security.

With Samsung Knox you gain an added layer of encryption that is applied when you use Knox-enabled email, messaging, and internet searches, and even when taking pictures through the camera. This is especially important considering more and more companies are opening up to BYOD; when users bring their own devices to work, those devices need to be as secure as possible. With Android, you'd be hard-pressed to find a more secure platform than the combination of Android for Work and Samsung Knox.

When is Samsung Knox happening?


Samsung Knox was announced in February 2013. By 2014 the Galaxy S4, Galaxy S5, Galaxy S6, Galaxy S7, Galaxy Note 3, and Galaxy Note 10.1 were approved to work with this technology. (For a complete list of Samsung Knox-supported devices, check out this official site.) Shortly after the approval of the initial devices, Samsung Knox gained the approval of the NSA and the US Department of Defense.

Samsung Knox has come a long way since its first release. Initially, many Mobile Management Entity (MME) providers offered no support for the technology, and now the list of Knox Workspace supported Mobile Device Managers (MDMs) includes:

  • Citrix
  • IBM
  • Samsung SDS
  • Araise
  • SAP
  • CapaSystems
  • MobileIron
  • AirWatch
  • Sophos
  • SOTI
  • Microsoft Intune
  • BlackBerry

Knox is free and you already have it — why not use it?

Knox is also a great way to hide certain files and folders from others who might have access to your phone from time to time, like siblings or roommates. By placing an application inside Knox you have hidden it's data unless you know the password, and you can also use the My Files app to secure any file or folder from prying eyes.

You probably wouldn't want to use Samsung Knox for your day-to-day things like text messaging or your contacts (though you could). But for anything you think is a little bit sensitive — think "things you would never want Mom to see" — Knox is a great way to secure them. You don't have to be part of an Enterprise organization to value your privacy, and Samsung has given you a very good tool to do it with.

Sources/Credits: Android Central , Tech Republic and Google for Images . 

Active Level 4
Tech Talk
good info dude
Expert Level 5
Tech Talk