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#InnovationLab #42: AppLock

(Topic created on: 03-26-2022 01:21 PM)
Expert Level 1
Tech Talk

The AppLock is a unique feature with a lot of convenience, while providing decent amount of privacy to the users. The Secure Folder is a completely different type of solution (involving encryption) for a different kind of requirement. The two are widely different from each other, even if both are connected to the same aspect:Privacy. As such, one is not a replacement for the other.

This post explains why Secure Folder is NOT a replacement for App Lock feature, and also delves into how App Lock is unique and overcomes several disadvantages of Secure Folder.
SECURE FOLDER may be the more secure option, but this additional security comes at the cost of BIG INCONVENIENCE - number of authentication steps required to access an app/ file every time.
The App Lock, however, has a MAJOR CONVENIENCE FACTOR: number of times authentication is required. I use a 3rd party App Lock (due to the absence of a built-in utility) to lock my email, sms, chat, and a couple of other apps. The App Lock requires a one-time authentication to access an app during each screen-on session. A total of just 2 taps (per app) is required during each screen-on session. 
Now compare this to Secure Folder: 
Disadvantage 1: Secure Folder will require you to authenticate every single time, and a minimum of 3 taps (per app) is required EVERY SINGLE TIME, unless the user chooses to unlock all apps at the same time, which defeats the purpose. That makes it easily 50% more work AT A MINIMUM. Pretty annoying.
Disadvantage 2 of Secure Folder: You can't lock the Settings app, so you cannot block changes to system configuration.
With an app lock, one can lock Google Play Store, Galaxy Store, Package Manager and the Settings app (with Install from Unknown Sources turned OFF for all apps). With this in place, no one can install another gallery or file manager app (to work around the restrictions) and have access to your files, effectively making it very difficult to bypass the App Lock.
Disadvantage 3 of Secure Folder: You'll have multiple instances of each app that you add to it. This takes up additional storage, and clutters many of the menus, for example, list of apps for battery optimisation, as well as other places.
Disadvantage 4: You have to move new files every single time if you want to secure them.
A simple App Lock overcomes ALL these limitations of Secure Folder and comes with an extremely convenient method.
Another benefit of App Lock is to automatically lock all new apps. So even if someone somehow manages to install an app, he/ she won't be able to use the app without authentication. 🤩🤩🤩
The Secure Folder is no way a replacement for App Lock. Please bring the App Lock back to OneUI.
More details here:
Active Level 6
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Active Level 6
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Doesnt work on S21 series as well
Tech Talk
Good point
Active Level 6
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Well explained, hope the Samsung developer actions on this much needed feature.
Beginner Level 4
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Samsung should provide applock feature to their every smartphone💯
Active Level 4
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This is really needed
Active Level 7
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I need app lock in s22 series

Expert Level 1
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Active Level 7
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I don't use any third party app..in built app lock use
Expert Level 1
Tech Talk
I too would like a built-in utility. But they have removed this very useful feature from OneUI 4.x. Until they bring it back, we have to rely on 3rd party apps if that functionality is a must.