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Do you know? What is a QR code really?

(Topic created on: 12-04-2021 05:14 PM)
Tech Talk
Hi Members😄,
Everyone is wondering! What! QR code! I know all about it!
Sorry but it's. A lot more than you probably think!
Ok no more beating around the bush let's get straight😂!
So aQR code isQuick Response Code! (Well that's the full form😅)
Actually! QR code which looks like this (example code)

QR code


This QR code contains:
 0 1 0
 1 0 1
 0 1 0

Now you guys can see it has white background and black pixels (lines or rectangular block)! Now you are thinking this is silly things but wait!!!!!!
Now what if just imagine
Black Square = 0
White Space = 1
Then if converted then QR code has 0's and 1's right!
Now if we arrange it in form of a matrix!!!!
Yes matrix!!!
Something like this (example only)
[0 1 0]
[1 0 1]
[0 1 0]
Can you see a 3x3 matrix! This is a QR code simplified!
Now let's further investigate!
Ok so le' me see🤔🤔🤔🤔🧠💭💭
Voila!!!! 0's and 1's binary language! QR code has a sequence of 0's and 1's arranged in a matrix! A square matrix!
So basically when you scan a QR code with your phone camera📷 what happens behind the scenes inside of CPU is this
1) QR Code image converted to 0's & 1's Matrix.
2) arrange 0's and 1's in sequence to make sense of it.
3) Using algorithm in the software, QR code's 0's & 1's are decoded and converted to say may be image, link etc.
Now different size of black pixels and white pixles are appropriately interpreted by the software and the results are displayed to you!
So a computer understands only 0's and 1's! And in the form of matrix we can store image data in it!
Now a real QR code is a bit complex because for example a 200*200px QR code contains about 400,000 pixles i.e. 0.2MP 
And different size of black and white pixles! Many Balck and white pixles are together in it and has a large number of 0's and 1's
The QR code scanning software handles all of this in fractions of seconds!

Hope you guys found it informative and interesting😄.


The World's Frist Hard-disk made by IBM was of a size of a room and had a amazing capacity of 5MB!!!! Yes 5MB I typed it correct and you read it correct!!! Today Even a small SD card of size of 2 Inches has 32G ! 

QR was first used by Toyota motors to address assembly parts. So, the first user of QR codes was Japan. 

Tech Talk
Welldone brother... 👍 👌
Well described 👏
Informative 🙂
Tech Talk
Thanks 😊👍
Not applicable
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admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand
Tech Talk
OMG 🤣! This huge heart 💓! I'm dead to see this big comments 🤣
Not applicable
Tech Talk
Active Level 9
Tech Talk
QR code first used in parts code for assembly units.
Tech Talk
Tech Talk
The previous QR Code was a bit promotional so I changed it to a text code 😅
Expert Level 5
Tech Talk
Well done bro ..
It's really informative 👏👏👌👌