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(Topic created on: 07-15-2020 10:59 AM)
Tech Talk
Some people look at their mobile devices for several hours. This causes digital eye strain because mobile screens emit blue light. Studies have shown that blue light penetrates all the way to the retina and damages light-sensitive cells.


What is Blue Light?


Blue light is part of the visible light spectrum. The visible spectrum contains blue, orange, green, yellow, and red light rays. Red, yellow, and green light rays have long wavelengths. They have less energy than blue and violet rays.

The electromagnetic rays on the blue end of the spectrum have short wavelengths. This means they have more energy than infrared lights.

Blue light is a high-energy visible (HEV) light. It is a high-frequency light in the blue/violet band on the visible spectrum. It has been known that it can damage the retina. It can also cause age-related muscular degeneration (AMD) and digital eye strain.

The screens of digital devices and personal computers emit short-wave blue light. This can contribute to various health problems. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), blue and violet light rays can cause cancer, retinal damage, melatonin disruption, AMD, etc. Also, long-term exposure to blue light can permanently damage your eyes.

How to Protect Your Eyes

Digital health advocates recommend that mobile users should refrain from using their digital devices over a long period. Including CVS, blue light can also cause long-term health problems.

Despite the risks, there are people who can’t really part with their mobiles. Businessmen rely on their phone to alert them of important reminders. Teenagers and young adults often use their smartphones for entertainment purposes. Busy individuals tend to have callers from time to time.

It’s hard for some people to reduce the amount of time of cellphone usage. That’s why screen filters, computer glasses, and filter applications were created. They’re designed to shield your eyes from the blue light.


The Blue light filter decreases the amount of blue light displayed on the screen of the device. Blue light can suppress the production of melatonin (sleep-inducing hormone), so filtering it out can help you sleep better. It will also reduce digital eye strain, so your eyes won't feel so tired by the end of the day. 

The Drop down menu has the option to switch on the Blue Light Filter

BlueLight Filtet switched on

Long Press the Bluelight filter option...Takes you to more detailed options.Here customize the timings, opacity etc..

Tech Talk
great information

thank you for this information

I have one query is keeping blue light filter on for all time is fine with eyes or not as I always keep this feature on and opacity to half
Expert Level 5
Tech Talk
There is no need to use it all the time. Naturally blue is present during day time. The presence of blue is partially responsible to keep us active during day time. But during night time presence of blue light is low or no blue light naturally, which will make our body ready for sleep.
So it is only necessary in night time.
Active Level 6
Tech Talk
Blue light filter can't work in lockscreen
Not applicable
Tech Talk
suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus when produced melatonin then blue light filter also switched off the pathway to retina and regulate sleep...very vast chapter almost 10 days chapter is this 😊🤓🤓🤓
Tech Talk
That's what even i didn't know how vastly it effects our sight
Not applicable
Tech Talk
this we have studied in first year and 3rd year in medical 👻👻
Expert Level 3
Tech Talk
Good and informative. Thanks.