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(Topic created on: 05-22-2020 12:25 AM)
Tech Talk


What is Blue Light Filter?
The Blue light filter decreases the amount of blue light displayed on the screen of the device. Blue light can suppress the production of melatonin (sleep-inducing hormone), so filtering it out can help you sleep better. It will also reduce digital eye strain, so your eyes won't feel so tired by the end of the day. 

Tap on of the drop down menus to follow the step-by-step instructions.

Note: While you're watching HDR videos from HDR-exclusive video services (such as Amazon video) the blue light filter will not be applied.

●Enabling and Disabling the Blue Light Filter via your SettingsClick to Expand.

●Turning on and off via your Quick Settings PanelClick to Collapse.

1.Swipe down from the top of the screen with two fingers to toggle the Blue light filter on/off quickly
2.Tapping on the word Blue Light Filter will allow you to adjust the Opacity.

What else causes eye damage from Blue light?
That said, University of Toledo representatives stipulate that the blue light emanating from our devices may not be strong enough to cause extreme damage to our eyesight. The Sun also produces blue light to a much greater degree and is by far the primary candidate for causing macular degeneration.

Your smartphone-induced health problems may not end with eye strain. Research has shown that spending time on your cell phone before bed can reduce melatonin production, making it harder for you to fall or stay asleep. Cell phone use has also caused an uptick in back and neck problems (from bending over your phone) and repetitive stress injuries in the hands (and the thumbs in particular).


 How to protect your eyes from your mobile screen

Smartphones are essential to our lives and, to many people, far worth their health risks. Still, taking the right steps today can drastically reduce the risk of having smartphone vision problems in the future. If you’re not actively avoiding eye strain,consider taking these simple steps to reduce your risk of smartphone-related eye damage:

Turn Down the Glare: Chances are, your smartphone’s brightness setting is way higher than necessary. Reducing the glare from your screen will make phone use easier on your eyes and can also help you conserve battery life. Simply access your phone’s settings and adjust the brightness to a lower, more comfortable level.

Adjust Your Text Size: If you have to squint to read on your phone, try making the default font larger so that your on-screen text will be bigger and easier to see

Remember to Blink: It may sound strange, but reminding yourself to blink while using your smartphone can reduce the amount of strain you place on your eyes. By blinking more often, you’re helping your eyes retain moisture, repel irritants, and remain refreshed all day.

Take Breaks: This is our most important tip. It is also the hardest to follow. Taking breaks from your smartphone can drastically reduce the amount of strain placed on your eyes. For every 20 minutes spent on your smartphone, spend at least 20 seconds looking away. During those 20 seconds, do your best to stare at something in the distance (20 feet away or more).
Blue Light Filter:


Blue light causes digital eye strain.

While using devices will not damage your eyes permanently, staring at them for a long time can cause temporary discomfort. People experience eye strain in different ways, but symptoms can include:

Dry eyes

blurry vision

Tearing or watery eyes


The reason we get digital eye strain is that we blink less when we stare at our devices. Normally, humans blink around 15 times per minute—but this “blink rate” can be cut in half when staring at screens or doing other near work activities (like reading). To reduce eye strain:

Take frequent breaks by using the “20-20-20” rule. Every 20 minutes look away from your screen and look at an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This gives your eyes a chance to reset and replenish themselves.

Use artificial tears to lubricate your eyeswhen they feel dry.

Keep your distance.
 Sit about 25 inches or at arm’s length from your screen and adjust its height so you’re looking slightly downward at it.

Reduce glare and brightness. Devices with glass screens can cause glare. To reduce glare, consider a matte screen filter for your device. Adjusting the brightness and contrast of your screen and dimming the lighting near your screen can also help reduce eye strain.

Wear eyeglasses. If you wear contact lenses, you already know they can increase dryness and irritation. To reduce these symptoms, try wearing eyeglasses instead when working on a computer And Smartphones for longer periods.


Know More About Blue Light Filter Questions Me in Comment section.


Beginner Level 2
Tech Talk
Its a good use of technology of blue filter but it looks hazzy while working with on hence i rarely use when my work is too extensive.
Tech Talk
Bro Everyone has their own way to use this application.
Active Level 1
Tech Talk
Very informative and nice post...
Tech Talk
Thank you
Active Level 4
Tech Talk
Dear Samsung Samsung is the better option nice brand technology please bring blue lite option and sowmany option mid range phone blue lite option is useful for eye blue lite option giveing eye protection from display contract light and please mobile number location tracking option and bring 2year warranty plus one year screen replacement option all model 😘😍🙏👌🙏
Tech Talk
Sahi hai bro..
Active Level 1
Tech Talk
very informative post...
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thank you
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Tech Talk