Original topic:

My Files new pop-up window

(Topic created on: 12-05-2024 11:21 AM)
Active Level 1

Hi Samsung,
I've wanted to report the new copy/move mechanism in My Files for a while but never got the the time.

Example directory:
Parent folder > Sub folder 1 > Sub folder 2 > Sub folder 3 > Sub folder 4 > Example file

To move Example file from Sub folder 4 to Sub folder 1

Old method: 
  • Select Example file and then copy/move
  • Press the back navigation button 3 times and click paste

New pop-up method: 
  • Select Example file and then copy/move
  • Find Parent folder among your other folders
  • Navigate through to Sub folder 1 and then click paste

This is just a simple example to explain how inconvenient it is to copy/move files in the new method if the user has hundreds of folders and sub folders.

I'd like to request the My Files team to review this change and either give the user the option to toggle between the new and old methods or to find a more convenient way to copy/move files.

P.S.: This change also means that users who find the method inconvenient will look for 3rd party file managers instead of using the default one, and that could raise concerns regarding privacy.