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once again

(Topic created on: 04-08-2020 11:35 AM)
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Galaxy S

Samsung Says No One UI 2.1 Update For The Galaxy S9 And Note 9

Galaxy S9 and Note 9 users will be disappointed, as Samsung says there will be no One UI 2.1 update for the two phone series — not once, but twice.

A Samsung representative in South Korea has confirmed for the second time that Galaxy S9 and Note 9 users need not expect the incremental One UI 2.1 update for their devices. "Unfortunately, when confirmed with the relevant department, it is confirmed that there is no support plan for the one UI 2.1 update schedule for the s9 & Note9 models at this time," the representative said. The Samsung representative notes that "there may be internal changes" in reference to the update schedule, but there is no current intention for a UI update for these two series at this time.

As hinted to in the representative's response, Samsung South Korea has said the same thing earlier. 

Why no One UI update for the S9 and Note 9 is yet in the works

Samsung isn't planning a UI update for its "9" series because they are veteran devices. The Galaxy S9 and Note 9 are too far along in the update process. These two series are two years old. The Galaxy S9 and S9+ are already two years old. The Galaxy Note 9 is soon to be two years old as of this August. When devices near the two-year mark, they're only eligible for security patches. Android devices receive system updates for about two years. With the "9s" now at two years old, there's little incentive to update their systems and UIs.

The Galaxy S9 and Galaxy Note 9 are not Android 11-eligible. They will not receive the upcoming system update (Android 11). Samsung updates its One UI with the new system update and rolls both out simultaneously. Since the Galaxy S9 and Note 9 won't receive Android 11, there is no point in providing a small, incremental One UI update.

Security patches and the 4G/5G battle

While the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy Note 9 aren't One UI 2.1 update-eligible, they are in store for another year of security updates. Security updates keep devices safe from hacking. They also prevent the exploitation of software loopholes and vulnerabilities

Expert Level 3
Galaxy S
This is bad
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Galaxy S
no its worst first samsung too away features and now there is huge back off regarding features