Original topic:

Resolved!!! green line on S20+

(Topic created on: 07-11-2022 11:09 AM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S


Today morning 11th of july 2022, all of sudden my phone showing green vertical line.

Can anyone please suggest me what to do with this issue, I tried restarting which couldn't resolved.

I bought this phone 2 years back and never dropped or never in contact with water.

Last week on 5th of july there was one security update, which I updated.


WhatsApp Image 2022-07-11 at 10.20.29 AM.jpeg


Active Level 4
Galaxy S
Display damaged
Galaxy S
Guys please watch this & be aware of this issue before you buy new flagship smartphones of Samsung

Current Position of Samsung S series & especially the S20 plus phones.

Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S


Samsung **bleep** us all.


Galaxy S
It's a worldwide issue after the update of Android 12 everyone faces this... screen replacement is the only option
Galaxy S
Guys please watch this & be aware of this issue before you buy new flagship smartphones of Samsung

Current Position of Samsung S series & especially the S20 plus phones.

Not applicable
Galaxy S
It is coz of Samsungs software update, take it to service center and they will ask 18k for display change 😵 we have to pay 18k for samsungs fault
Galaxy S
Guys please watch this & be aware of this issue before you buy new flagship smartphones of Samsung

Current Position of Samsung S series & especially the S20 plus phones.

Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Is there any complaint page where we can log this issue
I just saw the community page, twitter account, change.org
There are so many users who have reported this issue.
Samsung should have to look into this issue and solve as soon as possible
Galaxy S
I think samsung's biggest blunder was the S20 Series 🥴.
Expect FE version.
Even S10 Series is great in comparison to S20 Series.