Original topic:

S20+ background battery drain

(Topic created on: 03-12-2021 07:08 AM)
Active Level 2
Galaxy S
Its better to buy cheap realme products than buying samsung. I am fed up with writing. But samsung even cant solve this issue
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
bro all have same problem. you purchase 10000 samsung phone or 100000 price phone but problem will remain
Expert Level 1
Galaxy S
Battery life is pretty decent on S20+ after the last updates. But you will never get same battery life midrangers. Its just like an expensive car and normal car. Expensive car has less mileage and normal one gives you a lot of mileage. S20+ is having high res display and extra flagship stuff, so you have sacrifise some battery life
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
Everytime a post is created about issue with phone based on Exynos 990 you try and justify failure of Samsung. Just cause the phones are not catching fire like Note 7 does not mean they are not recall worthy. As a consumer I need value for money. S20 and Note 20 series are a utter failure in terms of performance and features. No matter how many tricks are tried phone is always hot, camera cannot produce good picture, loss of focus and no service center does nothing about it.
Expert Level 1
Galaxy S
Actually i am not having any issues as others saying. So im giving response from my side. Yeah exynos is not great in any way, i personally hate exynos trend which is happening now. I dont recommend anyone paying 1 lakh on exynos. Next about issues. Phone is hot and camera cannot produce, loss of focus. All these its not there in my unit. My device is cool untill i use it in direct sunlight. Camera i dont have any focus issue, just have normal temperature high when capturing videos in. 4K which is normal. Im not supporting exynos in anyway, i just meant its nothing to shout out than S20 is bad. After all the updates, all issues are gone
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
I can assure battery life was much better during UI 2.5. Now after UI3.0 OR 3.1, things started to turn out bad. similar to apple samsung might be trying to push bugs and other related stuffs to slow down or drain out the phone in order to push their S21 series. I can say 30 mins of GPS with AC on (means less heating) and battery drained about 20 percent. Without any reason phone turns hot sometimes. no background apps or process. sometimes battery backs upto 5 hrs and sometimes it drains in 1.5 hrs of SOT. Very unpredictable phone in all the way. Still I vet for note 9 being the best phone samsung had produced till date. its running without any issues so far.
Galaxy S

Dear Samsung Member,

Greetings from Samsung Customer Support!

To resolve your device battery drain issue please visit this link: https://www.samsung.com/in/support/mobile-devices/samsung-mobile-battery-drain-issue/

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