Original topic:

Green Line Issue on S21 FE

(Topic created on: 11-13-2024 11:00 AM)
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S
I am a Samsung S21 FE User from more than 12 Months Now....Everything was working Smoothly but One day a update request pop upped in my Samsung phone What i thought its just a normal Software update....Just after updating my Phone,After automatically booting it up the phone worked fine for an hour but suddenly a Green Line appeared on its Display....My Mind went blanked as the device was in perfect condintion it never fell down or get broked...I Randomly switched off my device 3 to 4 times I thought It was a Software error But Nothing Happened.InFact with time the lines on the screen are also increasing...I am very Much worried as the screen replacement will cost me 13000+,Please Help Samsung India...It was a Software error not my Mistake...

Even I have Visited the Service Centre They are Co-operative they Inspected my Phone and told me that Samsung have a Policy for a Free Screen Replacement and you are eligible For It....

But Again I Have Faced an issue...
Customer Service representative had told me that your phone is eligible for the service...I was very happy at the time I listened this But than He added that they want Original Bill and an Aadhar card copy of the person on whomever name the Bill Belongs too..
My issue is I have Buy these phone from Cashiify I am this device 2nd Owner Due too which My Aadhar is Not Valid as a proof...
Please Samsung India Help me in this I am also a Loyal Customer I was Happily Using this phone from past 14 months..I have the original Bill But cant provide the Document..As I am not the one who buyed it..But I am the one who Trusts the Company and its Motto to help its Customer....And What I think is the one who is using your device Since From more than 12 months he/she should be considered your customer...Help me in these Case ..😕🙏🏻
Active Level 2
Galaxy S
Hey bro!
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S
Active Level 2
Galaxy S
Its because of fingerprint sensor
Active Level 2
Galaxy S
you can actually see some symptoms of green line issues before it happens again to you
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S
Bahut achha mobile hai lena ho to samsung S21fe lo low price me
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Dear Samsung Member,

Greetings from Samsung Customer Support!

We want to inform you that it is our best endeavor to provide you with an impeccable product experience at Samsung. Our products pass through rigorous quality checks which are globally recognized. The issue could occur due to usage and various factors, in case there is any kind of issue occurs then we are always helping our customers to resolve their issues. However, as you have already connected support team and service team, they have guided you after inspecting the device according Samsung policies. Furthermore, we would suggest you to kindly coordinate with the service team for further assistance. And product invoice and necessary documents are madatory for avail the offer for service.

Warm Regards,
Samsung Customer Support

Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S
But Please Understand That as I am the Second Owner of the Smarphone I dont have the Aadhar Card of the Person whomesever the Bill belongs...But I have the Original Bill.Please help in this case...
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Samsung is worst company, don't buy Samsung products if they can not provide proper service I have multiple bad experience with Samsung service center as well.
Active Level 6
Galaxy S
Snapdragon or Exynos?