Original topic:

Default OR Built in applications

(Topic created on: 01-18-2017 07:34 PM)
Active Level 5
Galaxy On
Since Samsung had launched Android Marshmallow 6.0.1 OS for most of the Galaxy devices and recently had launched Android Nougat 7.0 for Samsung series devices and Note series devices but ......
I always think that why I can't disable the preloaded applications or default or builtin applications since I don't need them they just used to drain lot of battery and space in internal storage.......
it would be good if Samsung will work on it to give some right to the user for better use their Galaxy products......
Thank you.
1 Comment
Active Level 10
Galaxy On
We appreciate your inestimable suggestion. We have noted down your valuable feedback and we will surely share this with our relevant department, any update in this regards will be convey to you via various means of communication.