Original topic:

Samsung refused to replace my screen with green line.

(Topic created on: 07-31-2024 04:34 PM)
Active Level 5
Galaxy M
Citing paints wearing off on a 2.5 year old phone, samsung refused to replace screen on my phome free of cost. The green line which appeared due to fault of them is a no issue for them. I have filed a complained National Consumer Helpline. Lets see what happens. But whatever, samsung is losing a customer has a samsung ecosystem and recommends people their devices, this stops today.

Expert Level 5
Galaxy M
You can also get free replacement as you filed a complain on consumer court also do ine thing more But you'll have to follow some steps and that will took more patience and time.

Capture a picture of your smartphone and post on twitter with proper explanation and tag Samsung and Samsung India.
After wait for sometime, you will be asked to share your contact info in message after that one of the member will directly coordinate with you.
He will ask you to submit your smartphone to service center and they can't refuse.if they refuse directly call that authorised person. service center will dignose your smartphone and send the report to Samsung directly. After your phone's display would be replaced free of cost.

It may take around 15 days

Plz Accept solution clicking on 3dot right side nd Do follow for Regular Updates.
Active Level 5
Galaxy M
I will rather report you for spam
Expert Level 5
Galaxy M
Which kind of spam kindly let'me knw first. did i say anything wrong?
Active Level 5
Galaxy M
You keep copy pasting everywhere, I have done same things nothing happend..you didnt even read properly.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy M
Ya that's true i always copy paste this thing and manyone got help through this infact some of my friend in my circle and in community also. If you want any kind of video proff surely i'll send you. As you'r saying you didn't got any message on twitter from samsung kindky repost again. Before examine anything don't say anything is spam or not applicable man.

Will send you video proff soon.
Kindly wait.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy M

Check out this video as proff that my comment works or it's spam according to you.

Next time kindly research more before raising finger on someones effort. Not everyone here is only for likes and followers. Someone has really knowledge and experience.

Active Level 5
Galaxy M
Again you did not read what I said....I have done exactly same things...at last they refused
Expert Level 5
Galaxy M
Not at all...i read everything You also didn't read my first comment read again i clearly mentioned that you filed complain on consumer court also do twitter post things i said this ca i thought you'r a new user cz this kind of comment was not there in any of your post that's why. U misunderstood me my brother not I.
If really my comment doesn't work then how that one person goy replacement after following same thing you can check his video, as proff i sended you. Ans many more on community too.
Active Level 3
Galaxy M
Hii , i am using S22 ultra . But i have lost the bill and cannot be recoverd as i purchased the device from hyderabad store and now i am far far away . Should i refrain of updating at all so a line would not become my problem .