Original topic:

Internet Issues

(Topic created on: 03-06-2021 06:38 PM)
Active Level 6
Galaxy M
I am having terrible internet Issues after the recent update of Android 11 on my M31. Tried many settings, tried some APN's , flight mode, restart and just whatever - nothing works. I went out for two days out of my location. Where I went, I had some "good" speed but on returning to my original location internet doesn't seem to work. I don't have a WiFi Broadband too. Please someone tell me exactly what to do. I'm having problems with my Zoom and Gmeet as well - getting disconnected, can't turn on video, voice breaks and what not.
Active Level 6
Galaxy M
My internet has become very dramatic or I'd rather say Bhutiya 👻..now it's 0kbps, on the next moment it's 78kbps, again 10kbps, then 250 kbps, and finally 0 again and not even a single WhatsApp text is going or coming. Although this speed comes rarely..very rarely giving false hope 💔 . I've complained through Airtel Thanks. It's showing my request is in process. Now let's see. I don't really know whom to blame. I'm just struggling with every online things.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy M
but if these speed you are seeing on speed meter then that would not be correct and exact and lets see what they would reply to you
Active Level 6
Galaxy M
Yeah let's see🤞🏻👻
Expert Level 5
Galaxy M
i wish your problem (headache) will soon get resolve 🤞🤞🤞🤞😊
Active Level 6
Galaxy M
Thank you. That's so nice of you. 😊🤗
Expert Level 5
Galaxy M
my pleasure 😊 i wish i could solve your issue but alas!
Active Level 6
Galaxy M
aww.. that's really nice..I hope it'll get fixed
Galaxy M
Which SIM card do u use?
Active Level 6
Galaxy M
Galaxy M
May be that issue is with your operator, I think you should try Jio as u said hotspot on jio works fine on ur mom's phone.