Original topic:

Pink Line on Display | Samsung Galaxy A73

(Topic created on: 11-11-2024 05:35 PM)
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy A
After updating my Galaxy A73 with the August Security Patch, after few days suddenly faced a Pink Line on my Display. My phone is also not under warranty.

For which i went to nearby Service Center.
They are telling me as your phone is not under warranty, and We have no complain for A73 model getting line on Display So far. So you have to pay 8500 for the replacement of the Display.

Samsung Are you seriously asking for money when there is no fault of the customer. As my phone was never physically damaged or water damage in any sort of course I handle my phone Pretty carefully. you will not find even any scratch on it.

We all know that displays are getting Green/Pink line, And some companies are giving free replacements why can't you?
Is this to be expected from a reputed company like Samsung ? 
If this will ended up me paying for the display, Definitely In future I will think twice before checking out any Samsung product.

Samsung please have look in to this concern, Hoping for to come up with a Solution.
Galaxy A
Please go through this post and try it to get free screen replacement from Samsung

Expert Level 5
Galaxy A

Dear Samsung Member,

Greetings from Samsung Customer Support!

We'd request you to share the service center details and job sheet number by follow this path to register your concern in Samsung Members Application (Open Samsung Members Application > Support> Ask question > Type your query > Send).

Thank you for writing to Samsung.

Warm Regards,
Samsung Customer Support

Active Level 1
Galaxy A
Hey folks.

A pink line had appeared on screen after software update some time back.I had taken my phone to Croma where I had bought it. They were not aware of replacement policy that Samsung has initiated. 

Now Samsung says the cut off date is over. Is it fair not to extend it to affected devices. There is no info about the policy that is easily accessible. 

Would like to know if there are other impacted users who are facing similar issue

Beginner Level 2
Galaxy A

After updating my Galaxy A73 with the August Security Patch, after few days suddenly faced a Pink Line on my Display. My phone is also not under warranty.

For which i went to nearby Service Center.

They are telling me as your phone is not under warranty, and We have no complain for A73 model getting line on Display So far. So you have to pay 8500 for the replacement of the Display.

Samsung Are you seriously asking for money when there is no fault of the customer. As my phone was never physically damaged or water damage in any sort of course I handle my phone Pretty carefully. you will not find even any scratch on it.

We all know that displays are getting Green/Pink line, And some companies are giving free replacements why can't you?

Is this to be expected from a reputed company like Samsung ? 

If this will ended up me paying for the display, Definitely In future I will think twice before checking out any Samsung product.

Samsung please have look in to this concern, Hoping for to come up with a Solution.

Active Level 7
Galaxy A
I am a pure sumsung coustemer from 2000 when gsm phone with entina till 2024 i am still using sumsung in the year but now after using sumsung from 20 years i am never dissappoint from sumsung but now i am very dissapoint to say that i own and trustable company has fraud me .my sumsung s22 has a got a green line after software upate i am very sad to say that samsung has disappoit me after using sumsung from 20+ years this is sad moment for my life i request you to replce or repair my device because i could not accept this kind of things with pure sumsung couatmer and it is not only me but many other coustemrs have this problem and i am very sad to say that if this kind of behavior contines we people from samsung family needs to leave the samsung family and use other phones we are not at all happy to leave this company at all and this is not are fault at all its your company fault and only you are 100% responsible for it if the software is not ready to use company should not upade the mobile company should cheak the upade with responsiblity in upate 16.1 One UI Version problem i was using m200 galaxy Y galaxu y duos R200 galaxy grand ,grand2,j7,j6,,s3,s3 mini ,A50,A53,A52 wifi 6 S7 Mini , S5 , Galaxy F ,Samsung Guru keypad mobile and many more but after many years i do not rember some of them but i am never dissapoint with any of them but this s 22 ultra has got a green line after upade . But i am very sad to say the samsung is nowdays is not giving value to coustmers but giving importance to money and thinks to make company more profjtable we the people of india takes coustemers as god and happiness is only we need and try to stasify it thats all we dont give the pripority to money on coustmers we are not willing to defame the company but my friends were telling not to buy samsung and my trust on this comoany has been removed

I am very premium coustmers of samsung for more than 20 years but i am giving this in writing .i with my s22 ultra upated software after mobile setup till 100 % when optimisng finished when switch on the phone green line came after line i shut down the phone 2-3 times and it was biggest fault that i upaded my phone
Dont parchese samsung S seris phone
S22 ultra s23 ultra s24 ultra all model probleams
Dont update ONE UI Version 6.1
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy A
I am very samsung costumer update one week samsung a73 pink line issue please help
Active Level 2
Galaxy A
Mere A73 5G phone me same issue hai green and pink line after update and another i have m52 5G usme bhi same issue hai after update green and pink line
Active Level 2
Galaxy A
Me service center gayaa bill box ke sath they are telling sir Z series and S series me under 3 years they replace and give but M series and A series ke liye aisa koi term nhi hai filal samsung me
Active Level 2
Galaxy A
Chor and fraud people of samsung are sitting in service center horrible response from them