Original topic:

A52s 5G

(Topic created on: 01-18-2023 07:38 PM)
Active Level 6
Galaxy A
Why features like 

 1)Maintenance mode

 2)Voice Focus

 3)Remaster Pictures

 4)Object Eraser

 Missing in Galaxy A52s even after the oneui 5 update

Please add this features upcoming update samsung 
Expert Level 5
Galaxy A
I used to think that voice focus was a gimmick but then I saw many YT videos where it showed that turning on the feature was making a big difference (trusted channels like Techwiser).
Galaxy A
I also watch videos of Gyan Therapy and ya Tech Wiser also regarding Voice focus but bro i believe self experience.

It may be happen because my area has very good network and they test while network is not in it's peak performance.
Galaxy A
According to me

I think voice focus is a gimmick.

I have M11 which doesn't have voice focus but calling speaker works better and produce loud and clear sound.

At the same time F23 which has voice focus at calling it produce sound with noise and distortion but when i on voice focus then it produce clear sound like M11.

M11 calling speaker is equal to F23 calling speaker with voice foucs.

Before using it i think it is very useful feature but when i use then concluded that it is just a gimmick or for promotion only.

Voice focus works just a little bit that is not too useful in daily life.
Galaxy A
Samsung might provide Maintenance Mode to A52s. A52s most probably won't receive the rest.
Active Level 4
Galaxy A
If Samsung promised UI update for next couple of years, they should provide the full fledged UI for that period instead of giving some security patch kind of update. After all, at this price we can get lot better hardware from other brands but still kept software experience as of our priority. Samsung needs to give it a thought.