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Suggestions..In reference 2 #DiwaliwithGalaxy & Leveling System on Members App.

(Topic created on: 10-29-2019 12:20 PM)
Expert Level 5
Community Guidelines
Hello Members...
We are Celebrating Deepawali, the Festival of Lights.. And to Enjoy this Festival Samsung has Initiated a Contest  #Diwaliwithgalaxy, where a Member Can win Prize if He/She gets more Number of Likes & Full fills the other Terms & Conditions applied by Samsung & My Best Wishes to all, who are Participating in this Contest. And Members are Active at Very High Speed, without Checking Speed Breakers, Red light etc.. Well, I understand their Eagerness to win this Contest and be a winner and again our Best Wishes are with them..But in doing so they should not make hell of others interest And Terms & Conditions..Few of the Points are Highlighted below:-
1.. In Order to get more number of Likes, they have started Copy-Paste of links in reference to more n more likes and Keeps on asking for likes on their Post..Day n Night.. Community n Galaxy Gallery Everywhere..And Creating Unnecessary of Mental Pressure on Us, Interest Got reduced in Seeing/Commenting others post because everywhere the Same story. And I am very much Unhappy Since it was started by one of our Senior Member and later on followed by Most of them even newones..is this the way Senior Members set trend for newones ??? No, Please don't do this...


Rather they should have shown them the right Pathway by Not Sharing such links on others Post, And in Future too.. we will face such issues..So my Humble request to Members Admin that..For Future onwards Kindly Add some more terms & Conditions, Like You can't Share Such links for liking your post on others Post and if it is found so and reported by Members then "You will be disqualified Automatically".. 

2...I have observed from last Three-Four days, that the more they share their links for liking their post on others post... the more Faster they are going up in Level..Like I have seen somebody from level 3 to Level 7, from level 6 to level 9, Level 7 to Level 10 , Level 9 to Expert Level 2 etc...And I am not Getting this Leveling System ??


If anybody keeps on gaining levels on the behalf of just likes & Comments only, then it is Questionable ?? Rather after certain Levels, like from Level4 onwards one should have at least one Accept Solution along with required no.s of likes & Comments in your account to gain Level5 and from Level6 onwards it is to be two Accept Solutions along with required no.s of likes & Comments to earn level7 and so on...So one should have at least Resolved 10-15 Issues of Members to Earn Expert Level 1...And Expert means Expert in resolving Issues not by Just Commenting & Likes...So that One can be identified by his/ her levels by how much experience he or she has in resolving the issues..

My intention is not to hurt anybody's Feelings/ Integrity/ Status..And if Anybody Feels so..I apologize for that..But these points needs to be highlighted so that Members Admin look into these and take appropriate measures...


Community Guidelines
@gst I participated but haven't been desperate for likes. Samsung isn't gonna choose the winner with likes or something like that
Not applicable
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@halfhuman 1. first way a difficult one but fruitful - if you can take an hour of the day then read books i would recommend Ayn Rand Fountain head you will be excited about the story and your vocabulary will be boosted. and little bit of newspapers.
2. The easiest way but very very addictive - Hollywood movies i would recommend you to watch in weekends as it is very addictive. Begin with American history x and Good will hunting.
Expert Level 5
Community Guidelines
@Halfhuman..This is the Quality of very few People that they don't want to gain Profit/Benefit by affecting others in Negative way and good that you maintained this ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘..
Active Level 7
Community Guidelines
Guys I hear you. Please know that guys like KevinPatel will definitely be disqualified for Diwali for spamming. We will also start actively discouraging others doing the same. Would recommend you bring more such folks to our attention.

As far as BAs and criticism is concerned, I hope you realise that it is abundant on this app! I understand that some of you are frustrated because you've been regular on this app and feel others are spamming and gaining levels. Please know thwt BAs will have stars (the way you see 3 against my name). Those levels are manually assigned and noone can get those, no matter how much you spam!

Brand Ambassadors are (as the name suggests) community representatives of Samsung. They have a direct line of communication with us and are amongst the most critical tech bunch one could find! I feel they don't usually publically criticise because they feel much closer to the brand as their involvement goes much further than just the community here.

To conclude, please know that some of you here are top contenders to become Brand Ambassadors in the ongoing recruitment. We've noted your names and are hoping that you have applied, so we can take this forward. Just a word of caution - in being critical please don't cross any boundaries that may disqualify you from becoming a part of this inner circle. It would be a shame to disqualify some of our most active and vocal members!
Community Guidelines
Thanks. Glad to hear that there are some moderators in this forum. Firstly I too feel that winner selections for diwali with galaxy should be equal. It's sad to see that many senior members have spammed to win the contest which includes the members which are currently at #2 and #3 position. I wont post the usernames you pointed out 2-3 which were absolutely correct. You yourself could get a proof about the Spamming by checking out the comments section in their profile. There was a serious problem of lockdown in the s10 series. Members were discussing trying to figure out the solution but these guys just spammed our posts. Which makes you loose your temper.
I too feel that deserving people deserve to win the contest. Some top positions guys have also posted googled images hope you guys find it out via metadata of the image.
Thanks A lot again.!!