Original topic:

Feedback About Bixby Voice Assistance

(Topic created on: 4 weeks ago)
Beginner Level 4

Dear Bixby Product Team,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Elias, and I am a user of the Bixby Voice Assistant. I appreciate the convenience and functionality that Bixby provides, but I’d like to share some feedback regarding its responsiveness.

As someone who stutters, I experience a delay of around 10 to 15 seconds before I can start speaking fluently. Unfortunately, I’ve noticed that Bixby currently waits for only 5 to 8 seconds before ending the conversation. This limitation makes it challenging for me to interact effectively with the voice assistant.

I kindly request that the Bixby team consider extending the waiting time for user input. By allowing a longer pause before Bixby times out, users like myself would have a better experience and be able to express ourselves more comfortably.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I believe that addressing this issue would enhance Bixby’s accessibility and inclusivity for all users.

Looking forward to your response and any improvements that may come from it.


Elias Yahya.

1 Comment
Community Manager

Thank you for sharing your feedback. We welcome your suggestion and appreciate the time and effort you have spent sharing your valuable comments. This will help us to improve our services.