Hi along with work profile falilure due to pay protect service certificate not present. Mobile NFC payments are also not working for the same reason.And still swipe gestures are not working and need to restart every time to make swite gesture to work...
Hi,I see my work profile security is not working. Intune reports some device settings don't match with company requirement. I did a test using safety net helper sample. And it show CTS profile is false and overall red.Does it have to do something wit...
Hi Samsung team, a update continuously and randomly in a day the swipe gesture are not working. Plz fix it as asp we need to restart the phone every time. Now a days it's so frequent that I have to restart phone 4 to 5times a day. Plz help to rectify...
Hi need to know the update submitted on the feedback section...I have submitted few enhancements and bug for wifi and other function but there is not update. Plz let me know the right forum to present the data