Original topic:

Samsung focuses on new customers, while despising old customers

(Topic created on: 09-15-2021 09:56 AM)
Active Level 5
Galaxy Z Flip | Galaxy Z Fold
Samsung would never take customers or anything posted in these forums seriously. We have to talk about our issues, concerns on Social Media platforms. There is a difference in one customer raising his or her voice and thousands of customers raising their voices. 

United we can stand and we have better chance of Samsung hearing us loud and clear. We might not win the case, atleast we can spread awareness among consumers. 

Dont limit your comments and like to Samsung Members platform. Let the world know what is happening. 

Writing from S9 with tinted display. Samsung solution is to replace screen at 17k. Just after 1 year and 2 months of delicate use.
Galaxy Z Flip | Galaxy Z Fold
Samsung Support 2.

Please check user history before replying to a post. I have done these steps couple of times, and sent error reports too... Already disappointed by the bad display, please dont make things worse by sending a standard reply. It is important to check the user posts, past replies, logs sent, before replying. Samsung you keep repeating the same old stuff....ahhh
Galaxy Z Flip | Galaxy Z Fold

Dear Samsung Member,

Greetings from Samsung Customer Support!  

We apologize for your inconvenience. We request you to kindly visit the service center for a physical inspection of your device. You can locate your nearest service center with this given link: https://www.samsung.com/in/support/service-center/

Thank you for writing to Samsung.

Warm Regards,
Samsung Customer Support