Original topic:

Update : Green Line Issue in Galaxy S22 after update

(Topic created on: 11-07-2024 06:01 PM)
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Samsung Galaxy S22 Model

Green Line Issue post software update in October 

Facing 2 vertical green lines on the screen post software update. Went to service centre and filed a Job Sheet. No signs of physical damage noted on the screen or the phone.

Got a call from costomer service, they're so arrogant and speak nonsense. Although Job sheet tells no signs of physical damage, he claims it to be due to pressure on screen and told 'I press the phone too hard'.

Samsung not acknowledging the problem in S22 model but has acknowledged the same in S21 model. We costomers are clowns for samsung which is running this circus.

Extremely disappointed 

Attached images for reference.



Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S
How to solve greannline screen my phone
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Please see my new update post I've explained what I did
Active Level 6
Galaxy S
It's happening to all manufacturers some of them offer free screen replacement very easily
As for samsung it's possible but they will not give replacement that easily it's very hard
Most of the samsung service center experience is very very bad
So you have try vary hard
Active Level 5
Galaxy S
Guys please don't waste ur time calling Samsung customer care . They wil treat badly and say no free screen replacement and also won't admit samsungs faulty software issue. Instead they are asking and persuading to pay for the display replacement saying it's a electronic device so these things will happen .. please check the below message from a customer who had faced similar issue..

I had this problem with my M52 last year due the software update of security patch level August 1, and I'm getting the screen of my m52 replaced for free. It's currently in the service center for repair. This post will definitely help you:

Just make sure that you visit the service center and get a job sheet number for your device regarding this issue. After that, download National Consumer Helpline app from play store and create a grievance. After submitting the grievance, you will receive a call from Samsung within the next day or two days after you've submitted your grievance. Do all of these within 30 days after you generate a job sheet number since the job sheet number is available for 30 days only and you'll have to get a new one if things are not done on time.
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Thank you so much
I've currently left an Email to the CEO, as suggested by other users who got free replacement on devices which waren't covered under their program.

I'll wait for a day or two and then, will register a complaint against Samsung in the National Consumer Forum
Active Level 5
Galaxy S
Ok .. kindly confirm if u have received any updates
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Sure will keep you all posted regarding the case.
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
@Thobha Thank you for helping me out with this. Please see my new post for latest update.
Active Level 5
Galaxy S
Yes i have seen ... good to hear about that and congrtz on getting justice😊